The party out here was great. He had all of his little friends over and they played outside and we rented a bouncy castle!! (that's the thing to do, and about the only thing to do out here). All of the kiddos enjoyed bouncing. We had it for two days so Cope got to enjoy it the next day too. Even myself, Beau, my brother and my mom got in to try it out :)
Cope and I went home with my mom and brother so we could be home for more then just 3 days, and Beau joined us on thursday night. On monday -Cope's actual bday- we went to walmart got a birthday doughnut and balloon, went to the park to play, and then got mason's and ate lunch with my mom at ACC. It was a great day. We also had the privalige of going to play group on Wednesday! Thank you girls for letting us get a glimpse of what we will get to enjoy when we move back home!! Cope had a little fit, but all in all it was a good time. (we now know the fit was partly to do with teeth!) The rest of the week we just enjoyed spending time with family. my sister and bro-in-law were home from FL too.
We started a little project at my parents house. All of us kids, and dad, made a little sitting area for my mom in the back yard. She has wanted this forever!! So we did most of the work, all that is left to do is landscaping.
Saturday we had a phot shoot with Leah R. I just have to say, she did a WONDERFUL job!! Cope was not feeling so well (running a fever, also from teeth) so we had to cut it short, but with the very limited opportunities Leah had, she got some wonderful pictures! (She posted a few on her blog) Then saturday ngiht we had a party for Cope at Fatboys... It was also cut short due to Cope not feeling well. He was still running a little bit of a fever, and lets just say we changed his diaper FOUR times while we were there. I finally just took him home, gave him some meds and a banana and we just rested. He is feeling much better now though! Back to his ol' wild and crazy self! :)
We also went to look at a couple of houses since we are moving back to IN in 5 months!! I'll keep you all updated on the house hunt!
Here are some pics.... Hope everyone is having a great week!!
I almost forgot, we had my brothers graduation party also! He graduated from IU with a degree in accounting and finance! We are soo proud of him. I didn't get very many pictures of the party :(
Cope blowing out his candle
opening gifts - as you can see, he doesn't feel well
our project in the back - cope wanted to help too!
Cope LOVES tractors!!
and he thought this was a tractor :) (there was no blade on at the time!)
cope checking out the ducks at the park
cope and daddy in the bouncy castle
cope and his bff ronin
some of the kids at the party
eating cake!!
blowing out his candle
in the bouncy castle
the cake
trying to get a good pic of his shtirt!!
ok so i totally can't spell!! excuse the title!! i was in a bit of a hurry! :)
What cute cakes Copeland got!:) I'm sorry we missed you at play group, too! School is done tomorrow, so we can rejoin for the summer!! I'm sure we will get to see you guys there sometime. When Brittany told me you guys were going to be there, I was disappointed that I had to miss out;( Oh and thanks for the b-day wish!
i'm ready for you to move back NOW! lol, i bet you feel the same way! glad you had a good time being home and that cope had a good birthday!
I'm glad you had a good time back here in Indiana. Soon to be your home again in only 5 months!! I didn't know you guys were moving back already. You are probably ready! That is great that you are and I bet everyone else is sooo happy also!
P.S I checked out your pics and they are adorable. I love Cope's hair!!!
Don't steal all the good houses... we may have to 'have it out' if you do!!!!:) House hunting is fun. We're going to start looking next month!
Hi Ali, I came across your blog from somebody's...Leah's or Greta's maybe? Anyway...I saw it was a bday post and always love to see party pictures. :) Love his bday shirt. Looks like he had fun with his friends. Also- we are getting ready to build in Montgomery and will be selling our house soon. If you want some details you can email me: BTW, I knew Mandi said your boys were close in age, but I didn't realize how close he is to Gabe. Fun!
I was super bummed that we had to miss Copeland's bday party. If only our vacation were a few days later :( I am glady you got to come "experience" group! We have such a good time and I am so excited that you get to come regularly pretty soon :)
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