Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Not much going On

Well I received a picture of our new puppy. We don't get him till the 27th, but she sent a new pic that was taken last night. We are so excited, I just hope everything goes smoothly and Copeland and him get along and play nice with each other! :) 
Copeland and I are joining a play group. It's here on base on Thursdays. I'm a little bit nervous because it's not like it's with a group of friends like the one many of my friends and in back home. I love looking at those pictures and long to join you all someday! But for now, we will try this one. We are doing a program called Parents as Teachers, and all the families that are involved in it are invited to this play group. There is only one girl that I know, but maybe it will be an opportunity to meet knew people and make new friends. 
Not much has been going on the last week or so. We have just been hanging out and going for walks. I will try to get some new pics up soon. 
Hope everyone is having a good week!! 


Chelsa said...

the puppy is ADORABLE!! and i hope the play group goes well!

Tara said...

The puppy will be such a life lesson for Cope and it's good that he is so young - they will form a bond that will hopefully last many years!