Wednesday, September 17, 2008

New Pictures

Here a few new pics of Copeland. It has been a little while since I posted any pictures. We get our dog next weekend, and we are getting family pictures taken in about 3 weeks so I'll get more up as soon as I can. We have play group again tomorrow, and we have been playing outside as much as we can while we have this beautiful weather! It's not going to be too long and we won't be able to get out, so we go for walks, go to the park, or just let Copeland run around in the back yard! That's all for now! :)

        Copeland eating breakfast and watching cartoons

Copey and his new Cowboy boots

       Not very happy here - he's looking for daddy

                     Checkin them out

1 comment:

Chelsa said...

cowboy boots are brycen's favorite! you rarely find him w/out them on :)